As heir to a cult leader, Yukito centers his life around the mysterious goddess Mitama. But everything changes after he's presumably killed during a ritual gone wrong. To his surprise, Yukito initially believe that he is reborn into a world with no concept of god! And in this world, life and death are decided by the Imperial State. Until he discovers that he is still alive and being instead transported to a distant apocalyptic future where gods and religions ceased to exist because of the scientific machination within the Imperial State. As Yukito fights to protect his new village and restore gods and religions' existences, someone from his past life lends a helping hand.
I love pretty anime women. One day when I'm older, I will get married to an anime girl ❤
@Carla Merritt You need to get put down. You're too far gone
I would let Gojo do unspeakable things to me
Megumi is my favorite character. He's so cool and laidback, just like my uncle
I edge to this anime
Gojo is so hot 😊😊